Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction & Before You Start the Job

    • Introduction to Starting the Job

    • Before You Start...

    • Transition to New Position

    • 100% Your Responsibility

  • 2

    Starting The Job

    • Starting the Job: Job Requirements

    • Starting the Job: Set Priorities & Manage Expectations

    • Starting the Job: Showing Professional Behavior

    • Starting the Job: Planning and Organization

    • Starting the Job: Do Outstanding Work

    • Starting the Job: Enthusiasm

    • Starting the Job: Measuring Success

  • 3

    Understanding Your Boss

    • Your First Meeting With Your New Boss

    • Your Boss: Job Requirements

    • Starting The Job: Don't Take On Too Much

    • Your Boss: Personal Skills and Abilities

    • Your Boss: Key Business Priorities

    • Your Boss: Information Receiving and Decision Making

    • Your Boss: Helping You Have a Smooth Transition into Your New Position

    • Your Boss: Helping You Build a Successful Network

  • 4

    Working With Your Peers

    • Your Peers: Meeting One-On-One

    • Your Peers: Meet Successful Colleagues

    • Your Peers: Coaches & Mentors

    • Peers- Successful Behavior

  • 5


    • Build Relationships with Clients

    • Clients: Service and Production

    • Starting the Job: Open-Mindedness

    • Clients: Judging Your Success

    • Other Colleagues

  • 6

    Summary and A Look Ahead

    • Starting the Job: Review & Summary

    • A Look Ahead