Winning the Job

  • 1


    • Introduction & Overview

    • Emotional & Phys.Prep

    • Competencies & Accomplishments

    • Finding a Career Direction

    • Preparation Unit Survey

  • 2

    The Resume

    • Resume Basics

    • Resume of a Recent Graduate

    • Resume of an Experienced Candidate

    • Resume Unit Survey

  • 3


    • The Value of Networking

    • Preparation for Networking

    • Networking Conversation Guidelines

    • The Network Conversation

    • Networking Evaluation & Followup

    • The Network Schedule

    • Networking Unit Survey

  • 4

    Preparing for the Job Interview

    • Interview Preparation: Rapport Building

    • Interview Preparation: Core skills & Abilities

    • Interview Preparation: Job Competence

    • Interview Preparation: Execution & Results

    • Interview Preparation: Organizational Fit

    • Interview Preparation: Passion & Character

    • Researching the Organization

    • Job Interview: Final Preparation

    • The "Virtual" Job Interview

    • Preparing for the Job Interview Unit Survey

  • 5

    The Job Interview

    • The Two-Minute Drill

    • Job Interview Communications Flow

    • Job Interview Strategy & Tactics

    • Screening & Hiring Interviews

    • The Interviewer's Questions

    • Questions for the Interviewer

    • Evaluating Your Performance After the Job Interview

    • What Candidates Look for in Companies and Bosses

    • Negotiating the Offer and Accepting

    • Key Interview Tips

    • The Job Interview Unit Survey